Schilling-Douglas School of Hair Design – – – Revised 10/2020
Any party who wishes to express a grievance or complaint concerning the administrative or educational sectors at Schilling-Douglas School of Hair Design, may do so by following the guidelines and procedure set forth in this grievance/complaint procedure.
Grievance/complaint procedures are presented in new student orientation to ensure all students are aware of the proper procedure to file a grievance/complaint.
Complaint Format
All complaints must be submitted in writing to the school Director or Owner. The complaint must be signed by the complainant and list the complainants’ complete mailing address. Any unsigned complaint will automatically be dismissed. The complainant must outline in detail the nature of the complaint or allegation including the date of occurrence, witnesses and any other pertinent information. If the complainant chooses, they may obtain and fully complete a grievance/complaint form which is available in the school’s administrative office. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. All complaints must be filed within 60 days of the date the grievance occurred.
Complaint Process
All complaints which meet the prescribed complaint format will be reviewed by a school official and a meeting between the school official and the complainant will be conducted within 10 business days from the receipt of the complaint. If after careful evaluation, the complaint cannot be resolved through discussion, the complaint will be referred to the school’s complaint committee. This meeting between the school official and complainant will be documented and the complainant will receive a copy of the record of this meeting.
Upon referral of the complaint to the school’s complaint committee, the committee will meet within 21 calendar days of the receipt of the complaint to review the allegations. The committee will consist of three members, typically the school owner, associate director, director of student services and/or business administrator. All committee members must be unassociated with the complaint. During this committee meeting the complainant will be given the opportunity to present their complaint as well as present witnesses to support the complaint. If the committee requires additional information from the complainant, a letter will be presented to the complainant outlining the additional information needed.
If no further information is needed, the complaint committee will respond to allegations. A response from the complaint committee will be sent to the complainant within 15 calendar days. This letter will serve to inform the complainant of the committee’s findings including any actions taken to address the grievance/complaint or recommended resolution.
- Should the complainant wish to pursue the matter further they may contact the following:
The Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street Suite 2 Dover, DE 19901; 302-735-4136
A complaint form is also available through our accrediting agency. The complainant is required to complete the school complaint procedure prior to filing a complaint with the accrediting agency.
National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences
3015 Colvin Street Alexandria, Virginia, 22314
703-600-7600 - All written complaints and associated records will remain on file for two complete accreditation cycles.